
A message from Dream (DLGWA president, Founder & Host)

Dear you,

You deserve to be loved fully and to love freely—to be loved in your fullness and to give love freely.

DLGWA (Deep Love Great Work Association) gently helps you build the deep, holistic foundation that beautiful, profound love is a natural byproduct of.

This offer is for the women who want lasting results, not just quick fixes.

In this offer, we explore the deeper perspectives, the mindset, the values, the priorities, and the principles that you need to build a proper foundation of which deep love is a natural byproduct.

Would you rather spend your time constantly playing guessing games about the future of your relationship, or be with a man who openly communicates and plans your shared journey together?

Are you interested in constantly trying to make your husband care about your needs, or do you dream of a marriage where your needs are instinctively understood and fulfilled?

Would you rather try to decode what a man you like means all the time, or would you prefer to have a man who is intentional and straightforward with you because he loves you?

Is the thrill of chasing a man’s attention more appealing, or do you seek a union where attention is freely given because of genuine love and affection?

Having the RIGHT values, mindset, priorities, and principles for what YOU want in love helps you avoid chaotic experiences with the man you love or will love and instead helps you position yourself to be loved by him deeply and to love him freely.

Whether you're single and excited to meet the man who'll go above and beyond for you, dating a man and want a more elevated experience with him, or married to a man and desire to experience MORE romance and exceptional depth with him... this is where you belong.

You will receive the right guidance to access the profound love you know is for you.

Dear you,

You deserve to be loved fully and to love freely—to be loved in your fullness and to give love freely.

DLGWA (Deep Love Great Work Association) gently helps you build the deep, holistic foundation that beautiful, profound love is a natural byproduct of.

This offer is for the women who want lasting results, not just quick fixes.

In this offer, we explore the deeper perspectives, the mindset, the values, the priorities, and the principles that you need to build a proper foundation of which deep love is a natural byproduct.

Would you rather spend your time constantly playing guessing games about the future of your relationship, or

be with a man who openly communicates and plans your shared journey together?

Are you interested in constantly trying to make your husband care about your needs, or

do you dream of a marriage where your needs are instinctively understood and fulfilled?

Would you rather try to decode what a man you like means all the time, or

would you prefer to have a man who is intentional and straightforward with you because he loves you?

Is the thrill of chasing a man’s attention more appealing, or do you seek

a union where attention is freely given because of genuine love and affection?

Having the RIGHT

values, mindset, priorities, and principles

for what YOU want in love helps you avoid chaotic experiences with the man you love or will love and instead helps you position yourself to be loved by him deeply and to love him freely.

Whether you're single and excited to meet the man who'll go above and beyond for you, dating a man and want a more elevated experience with him, or married to a man and desire to experience MORE romance and exceptional depth with him... this is where you belong.

You will receive the right guidance to access the profound love you know is for you.

What exactly is Deep Love Great Work Association (DLGWA)?

Deep Love Great Work Association, is a community and subscription-based newsletter/podcast/community (founded by Dream (Silas) Omans) focused on gently helping women build a deep, holistic foundation for beautiful and profound love.

DLGWA focuses on exploring deeper perspectives, mindset, values, priorities, and principles to establish a proper foundation for deep love as a natural outcome.

You may have noticed that the "GW" in DLGWA stands for "great work." That's because we deeply value service and personal expression through entrepreneurship. DLGWA is 70% deep love and 30% great work.

We also engage in discussions about ideas on how to achieve your greatest work—the work that propels you forward. So, for the women who are artists, entrepreneurs, creators, and lovers all rolled into one, this is especially the place for you.

Here's what's available for members***

1:1 “Eyes to See” 45 minute session with Dream (1) (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 3)

The "Eyes to See" session is a 45 minute private 1:1 session with Dream where she analyzes your love life and helps you to adopt the eyes to see and then receive the exceptional love ALREADY in your orbit.

Private Weekly Newsletter (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

Members receive access to a curated newsletter where I share profound insights into deep love and great work. I offer a glimpse into how the principles, perspectives, and philosophies I've gained can help you experience deep love and do your greatest work.

Newsletters go out every Friday @12PM EST via email and is posted inside the DLGWA community.

Private Podcast

Dream reads each newsletter aloud for members who prefer to access the content while on the move in the DLGWA private podcast, allowing them to consume the newsletter's value conveniently.

Newsletter Vault: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

The newsletter archives house past newsletter articles that have been previously sent out. Members have the opportunity to revisit these archives, continuing to derive value from the content.

Newsletter/Podcast Chats: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

Members can engage in dynamic discussions following each newsletter in our community forum. These are called “newsletter chats”. It's a space to ask questions and share your thoughts about anything I’ve shared in the current week’s newsletter or previous newsletter.

Ask Dream Anything: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

Members can ask Dream anything deep love or great work related by making a focused post in the community. Members can expect my in-depth response to them on Thursdays.

Community: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

Members are put into a growing, supportive community with others who share the same values and end goal.

Live Q&As: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3)

Occasionally, Dream will host live Q+A sessions answering member questions (sessions TBA in DLGWA community calendar)

DLGWA Gifts: (⭐Exclusive to the members in tier 2 or 3):

As a reward for active, high level engagement in the private community, members are gifted. Upon reaching level 9, members unlock the "DLGWA GIFTS" course and have the opportunity to select a free gift from the curated list of gifts housed in that exclusive space.

3 Membership Tiers

There are three tiers available and tailored to meet your unique journey and desires.

Tier 3:
1:1 + Private Community, Podcast, and Newsletter

The "Eyes to See" session is a 45 minute private 1:1 session with Dream where she analyzes your love life and helps you to adopt the eyes to see (perceive) and then receive the exceptional love ALREADY in your orbit.

The love you want is in your orbit… in this session, Dream simply help you develop the EYES to see it so that you can receive it.


It's not that the man you're looking for is not out there, it's just that at your current level of perception... YOU can't see him.

He's definitely alive, well, and in your orbit.

It's not that you're actually never chosen... it's how you're perceiving yourself that cuts you off from the you who is always being chosen.

It’s often not that you’re husband is now so unromantic, it’s just how you’re perceiving him and approaching him as a result of that that cuts you off from his romance.

Dream will help you develop new sets of eyes to look at yourself and your connections with the man you love (or will love) differently to drastically improve your love life…

To see that at any given moment exceptional love, romance, support— are all available to you.

How it works:

Upon submission of your payment, you receive a form to fill out via email. Please fill out the 10-15 minute form.

You will then be prompted to schedule your 45-minute session based on your availability.

Dream will thoroughly assess your situation via your form and create a tailored, bespoke session for you based on your love life experience, designed to help you perceive the exceptional love in your orbit so that you can receive it.

***You will also immediately be admitted into the private community, private podcast, and receive the private newsletter and the newsletter archive. You will have this access for 12 months.

Private Podcast

1:1 “Eyes to See” 45 minute session with Dream

Private Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter Vault

Newsletter/Podcast Chats

Ask Dream Anything

Live Q&As



Price: $750 (one time)

Tier 2:
Private Community, Podcast, and Newsletter

For women seeking direct guidance from Dream, as well as desiring to be rooted in a home and community with like-minded women engaging in high-level discussion, ideas, and approaches regarding love and union. You will receive proper love wisdom via ( the private newsletters, podcasts, and Dream’s direct guidance) that bridges the gaps, activates you, facilitates breakthroughs you're already on the verge of, and positions you to have the exceptional love, union, and treatment you’re destined for.

Private Podcast

1:1 “Eyes to See” 45 minute session with Dream

Private Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter Vault

Newsletter/Podcast Chats

Ask Dream Anything


Live Q&As


Price: $49/month or $550/year

Tier 1:

Private Podcast ONLY

For women craving a solo experience, immerse yourself in the transformative power of our private podcast. This podcast serves as the audio version of the private newsletter, aiming to bridge gaps, activate you, and facilitate breakthroughs you're already on the verge of, all with the goal of positioning you to have the love of a lifetime.

Private Podcast

1:1 “Eyes to See” 45 minute session with Dream

Private Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter Vault

Newsletter/Podcast Chats

Ask Dream Anything


Live Q&As


Price: $29/month or $300/year

Who is our Ideal Member?

Ideal Member:

  • Desires to elevate her principles, values, priorities, and perspectives on love for a deeper, more holistic transformation in her love life.

  • Desires Profound Love: She is looking for more than lukewarm or mediocre love and is eager to experience deep, meaningful, and fulfilling love in her life

  • High self worth: She a strong sense of self-worth or is actively working to build it

  • Desires High-Level Discussions: She wants to engage in high-level discussions, exchange ideas, and explore different approaches to love and union with like-minded women

  • Seeks Clarity in Love Life: She may have trouble assessing her current season of love and is looking for guidance on which wisdom to apply to achieve long-lasting and profound results

  • Prefers a Resonant Approach: She may feel overwhelmed by the abundance of advice on love and relationships and is seeking a structured approach that resonates with her personal values and beliefs

  • Is Ready and Feels Worthy: She believes she is ready and worthy of experiencing deep, lasting, and profound love in her life

  • Values Practicality and Impact: She appreciates a program that is efficient in terms of time and energy commitment but has a significant impact on her personal growth and her love life

  • May Have Artistic or Entrepreneurial Interests: While the primary focus is on deep love, she may have interests in art, entrepreneurship, and personal expression, making her open to exploring the "great work" aspect as a complement to her love journey.

  • Is Willing to Engage in a Community: She is open to participating in the DLGWA community, attending live Q&A sessions, asking questions, and contributing to newsletter chats and discussions.

  • Values Support and Community: While she may be sovereign, she recognizes the value of a supportive community that can help bridge gaps, facilitate personal breakthroughs, and provide guidance and encouragement.

  • Seeks Personal Growth: She is self-aware and on a personal growth journey, demonstrating a commitment to her own development and self-discovery.

  • She deeply resonates with Dream's message and would like to dive deeper into the ideas she conveys; she wants properly dissected ideas and to learn how to apply these concepts to their specific situations

  • She wants the behind the scenes of HOW something works, how something was cultivated, the origin stories, the failures, the success, the breakthroughs (as it pertains to deep love and great work)… I’ll share all of this in the newsletter

  • She desires Dream's guidance and is able to ask focused questions to receive focused answers


Q: Is this for single women? Married women? Divorced women?

A: This is for a woman who is experiencing lukewarm results in her love life, whether she is single, married, or anywhere in between... and yet desires and feels worthy of profound, elevated love and support. Single, Situationship, Divorced, Married, "It's Complicated"— is a spectrum. You fall along a spectrum, and to make this a home for you, we will provide support at various levels and during different seasons. The key point is that you desire profound love, but currently, you may be encountering lukewarm and mediocre love and support from the men you are dating, committed to, or married to.

Q: How much time do I have to commit to this to see results?

A: There is no rigid process in this offer. You can spend as much time or as little time as you deem fit for your current season, consuming the newsletter content and engaging in the community. DLGWA is designed not to be overwhelming and takes a minimalist approach where as little as 30 minutes a week can be highly effective.

Some women may come in, consume a few newsletters, get one question answered, and experience a significant transformation. For another woman, it may take several months of consistently receiving wisdom and allowing it to seep in to achieve a major breakthrough. Every woman is different, which is why I lovingly suggest making this your home. It is much more likely that you will experience a significant transformation by staying rooted here rather than hopping all over the place without a solid foundation.

Q: Why are there no refunds?

A: The foundation of this offer relies heavily on Dream's intellectual property. Given that there is no way to retrieve it once it has been received, issuing a refund is neither appropriate nor ethical. If you are uncertain about joining, I recommend taking the time to read the DLGWA blog to evaluate whether you want to delve into the body of ideas and philosophies presented there. Additionally, keep in mind that you can cancel at any time.

Q: I am not an entrepreneur, artist, or creator? Will I still benefit from DLGWA?

A: Yes, the primary focus is on love and union. The "great work" aspect is like the "cherry on top," so to speak. If you wish to concentrate solely on deep love, the ideas are organized in the newsletter and within the community in a way that allows you to delve into the specific ideas you desire to explore.

Q: What topics will be explored in DLGWA? How do I know I will get the support I need?

A: Great question. Both questions are answered in this blog post you can read here.

Q: How much support will I receive in DLGWA?

A: This depends on what you mean by support and what tier you are in.

If you are in tier 1, (subscribed to the private podcast only) that is a solo experience.

If you are in (Tier 2 or 3), there is a moderator (Dream's admin assistant) inside the community who can assist you with technical issues, helping you find specific content, and so on.

If you ask Dream a question in the community, she will respond to you with an in-depth, well thought out answer. She typically responds to longer questions on Mondays or Thursdays but she is very active in the community.

Also, keep in mind that other members are present to support you and offer encouragement.

If you are in tier 3, you will receive a 1:1 session with Dream.

If you are looking for consistent 1 on 1 support, this is not the offer for you.

Cancellation Policy

Of course we’d love for you to stay but cancel anytime.

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of this offer, there are no refunds.

Deep Love Great Work Association Membership
No products available

What DLGWA members are saying:

Need Support or Have Any Questions?

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Dream or her team by messaging us here at:

We'll respond within 24 hours on business days.

Thank you.


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