A Blog By Dream (Silas) Omans

love - self mastery - romance - perception - entrepreneurship - art

Women want security, men want freedom… women hold the key to both???

Yes, in love, women are looking for security and men are looking for freedom. ...more

Love for women ,Deep Seated Unworthiness

December 09, 20237 min read

Women want security, men want freedom… women hold the key to both???

Your unwillingness to examine the actions that you believe result from you 'just loving too hard' is the reason why you don't have the love you want…

Many women exhibit a common behavior that, in my observation, is doing them a significant disservice. It acts as a blind-spot where so many actions, beliefs, etc fly under the radar and thus can never... ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

September 05, 20237 min read

Your unwillingness to examine the actions that you believe result from you 'just loving too hard' is the reason why you don't have the love you want…

Let’s talk about the space where needing a man is both good, right, and necessary. Spoiler: not every woman is in the space to be “needing” a man

Last year I spoke a lot about why women should let themselves need their man because if she doesn’t, it puts a cap on how deep their connection can really go. ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 14, 20237 min read

Let’s talk about the space where needing a man is both good, right, and necessary. Spoiler: not every woman is in the space to be “needing” a man

3 GIGANTIC ways expansive, desired based love differs from the need driven, limited love the world tries to shove down your throat

People often hold extreme beliefs when it comes to romantic love. Some become cynical, convinced that true love doesn't exist. I've heard women claim that men should only be valued for their resource... ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 13, 202310 min read

3 GIGANTIC ways  expansive, desired based love differs from the need driven, limited love the world tries to shove down your throat

Anytime you feel like "it has to be him", chances are, it won't work out between you and that man

Anytime you feel like "it has to be him", chances are, it won't work out between you and that man ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 09, 20238 min read

Anytime you feel like "it has to be him", chances are, it won't work out between you and that man

Your need for a man to come and save you is actually blocking the man of your dreams

We are in an interesting time where women are waking up from their slumber of hyper-independence and admitting to themselves that actually— I don’t want to do this all my own. ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 05, 20233 min read

Your need for a man to come and save you is actually blocking the man of your dreams

Expansive love and union are the result of operating from pure, freedom based desire instead of deep, emotional need

I’ve often said that if a woman is to have expansive love and union, she won’t find that on the level she’s used to operating on. ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 02, 20234 min read

Expansive love and union are the result of operating from pure, freedom based desire instead of deep, emotional need

If the love and union you desire keeps escaping you, that might be because you're actually desiring something the love and union CAN’T give you

On the surface, you may think your desire for union is pure and that you just want to be loved, respected, cherished, have companionship, shared values, and all the other things. ...more

Perspective Shift ,Love for women &Deep Seated Unworthiness

June 01, 20233 min read

If the love and union you desire keeps escaping you, that might be because you're actually desiring something the love and union CAN’T give you
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